Classic Wargamer’s Journal, Volume I, issue 1... Autumn 2010.

I am really enjoying putting together this issue, which will be out next week... and includes such articles as:
Spurlash Down – the second part, with a full battle report on the action as fought recently. Stephen Caddy has written part 2 of his FireRaisers piece which began in the Pilot Issue, and Chris Stringer has provided a battle report titled, Advance Guard.
Greg Horne’s ACW project also features, and Peter Verduyn begins a series on his own Hyboria campaign. Stuart Asquith is marooned, and also goes in search of Hook’s Farm. David Shuttleworth offers ideas for scenarios set in the dark, and Stokes Schwartz sets out the case for Imagi-Nations. There’s also a skirmish scenario set in Darkest Africa by Ian Allen, along with a number of other battle reports (the regular feature Tales from the Frontline is up and running). We draw another “one from the archives” (this time a tabletop action from June 1957), and Conrad Kinch makes a first appearance, with a wry look at the hobby.
All in all, something for many different tastes. Thanks to the contributors, and to those who have already submitted material which will have to appear in the January issue! We’re on a roll!!!! Having a good stock of articles allows me to create a better balance covering many periods in each issue... and as always I’m keen to include battle reports and scenarios that, with a little imagination, can be easily adapted for many periods, any rules, and any number of figures.
And finally, thanks to all who have subscribed. As ever, I am very grateful for your support.
Copies will be sent out middle of next week.
Well done Phil!,
And to all who contributed.
Can't wait for the Ducal Post Coach to bring it to me next week. Give you joy of your journal Sir!
I await with interest....
CWJ arrived 18 October Phil.
Will open and happily read later tonight.
vRecieved mine last Friday- Agree entirley with the editorial point re playing the rules. This has been noticable for the last 5 or 6 years at least. As a trader I often get - I want a DBA army or latterly a FOG army or even my Flames of war middle Germans. The mainstream is now merely "gaming" to a measurable extent.
"Are yoour maccabean Jewish Cavalry Knights?"- one from a DBA er- still trying to work that one out ... so its not a new phenomenon merely more prevalent.
Still the rest of the mag was tasty- I especially liked stuarts article on Hooks farm especially since my mind is moving slowly Wells wards.
thanks this is good!
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