Saturday 26 January 2013

Russians Unorthodox - Charge Anachronism #137

It has always amused me to look through pictures in Charge and wonder where the figures came from, and to identify the units. Come on, admit it - we all do it, don't we?
Don't we?!! Maybe just me then!

Now, as we know, Charge! is more a generic Horse Musket tome than a strictly 18th century set of rules. In fact, it's loose approach to matters of historical "accuracy", it's naivety, for want of a better term, is part of the charm.

There are of course a number of anachronisms that stand out - the use of Napoleonic British Royal Horse Artillery alongside the Prussian infantry of Frederick the Great's army being an obvious example.

Also, note the use of the Pavlov Guards throughout the book... some to play the part of the Garde Jager regiment, as shown here in previous posts. These Stadden figures are still available today. And they also appear in the rather neat marching pose in the book too - first seen as the Electoral infantry at The Battle of Blasthof Bridge.

So, as well as having the more active poses playing the part of Garde Jager in my own collection, I decided to add some of the marching fgures as a separate unit...
and I present here the first company of The Constantinov Regiment:

I chose the unit name as it appears in Charles S Grant's Wargame Companion as a unit having been in Brig Peter Young's collecion, though which figures were used is not known. Anyway, the name sounded suitably Russian to me, so what better than to have Pavlov Grenadier figures representing.