First up: Three Men in a Wargames Room...
myself, Charles S Grant and Stuart Asquith, between courses at dinner one evening at my home. We managed to escape the ladies for a short tour of my wargames room...

Below: Peter Young, Sicily 1943. Photo courtesy of Bill Protz.

Sadly, I never met Peter Young... but I have handled one of his figures...
Below: The Man in the Iron Mask is one of the many campaign characters that reside in the collection of Charles Grant...

The Hyndford Plaque... Photo courtesy of Charles Grant.
This plaque was put up by David Chandler at Peter Young's previous home.
Below: Stuart Asquith and Charles S Grant - this photo taken in Charles' wargames room just before we refought Minden.
Below: a highly treasured item in my collection, a gift from Charles on completion of The St Michel campaign...
one of his father's figures: a Preobrazhenski Grenadier.
Below: VFS forces under my command launch the attack on St Michel... a fine victory!
Below: on another occasion, young Charles M Grant took charge of the VFS forces when we played Lobositz for The Wargame Companion.

Below: Professor Christopher Duffy. When he spoke at Culloden a few years ago, I was fortunate to spend an hour with him afterwards, one to one, just chewing the 18th century military fat. Well, if I'm honest, I was sensible enough to do a lot of listening...

Below: Alasdair Jamison and David Shuttleworth, two of my longest standing wargame pals, here in Alasdair's wargames room.
David runs the Wargame Amateur blog (see links).
Hi there
I am a Curator of new Second World War Galleries at the Imperial War Museum (IWM) in London. I am planning to include Peter Young in our displays about the Commandos. I would really like to use the image of him [Peter Young, Sicily 1943. Photo courtesy of Bill Protz] that is on this page [] and wondered if it would be possible to get in touch with Bill Protz to ask for permission to use it?
Any help gratefully received!
Many thanks
Kate Clements
Curator, Second World War Galleries
Lambeth Road
London SE1 6HZ
Kate, I’m doing so for you right this second.
Hi Henry
That's great - thank you!
Kind regards
Hi Henry
I've received your message via the IWM Twitter account and will get in touch with William Protz via the email address you provided - thanks very much for helping me out!
Kind regards
Hi Kate. Thank you for your interest, and apologies for not seeing your enquiry earlier. Thanks to my good pal Henry for picking this up and replying. Hope you found what you needed. Best regards. Phil
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