Friday 22 January 2010

The Force so far

Been a busy week or so here, so not too much time left for blogging. But just so you know I'm still around here's a picture of the force so far, built over the past couple of months:

Artillery Battery, Erbprinz Regt, Marchmont Dragoons, and Garde Jaeger.

Just now I have a painting lull as regards the "Classic Collection", with some Thirty Years War items taking priority, but there's another consignment of Staddens on the way, so I should be catching up with the Swedish Ice Hockey results any day soon (for those not aware, when ordering the Stadden figures from Peter Johnstone at Spencer Smith Miniatures, they come from Sweden well-packaged, including some newspaper wrapped around for extra protection!).

Meanwhile, have a great weekend.



WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Hi Phil,

Ah, I was beginning to need that Classic Wargaming fix again. Lovely! Thanks for scratching the itch.

Best Regards,


Der Alte Fritz said...

I was looking at the Staddenlistings on Peter Johnson's web site and it appears that Stadden also made the mounted versionsof the RHA. Something to consider.


tradgardmastare said...

Force looking great- are any of your regular opponents amassing forces?

Bloggerator said...

My last order from Tradition included some very - ah - "Page 3" wrappings if you catch my drift.

I'm reading "The Wargame Companion" at the moment with your book on the 7YW for afters. Terrific work - well-done to you and CSG.



Bloggerator said...

As a PS, where did you get that lovely little building?


Phil said...

Thank you chaps, and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
Specifically: Greg's question about the cottage.
The short answer is that it's a Hornby Skaledale building. The long answer as to "why" i'm using these is wrapped up in the whole rationale of this particular project. More of which anon...

Mark Dudley said...

Hi Phil

Are you basing all the uniform colours and details on the front and back cover of the book - or do you have other info.


Uncle Jim said...


This blog seems to have gone a bit quiet. Hope it is just a pause, but I would say that wouldn't I!

You may be aware that Tradition are putting up their prices and these are shown on the Tradtion of London website. For some reason, I haven't been told what they are yet but I am expecting the changes any day now, but otherwise the current prices are still valid on my site. I am also trying to get the casting pictures for the Willie , and Tradition figures shown. Seems to be a bit of problem, but I am trying to sort it.

I went to a talk at Norwich Assembly rooms yesterday about Malborough and the Battle of Malplaquet given buy Richard Holmes and James Faulkner. Very, very, exciting and I came away wanting to plan a completely new range of early 1700 figures - and probably break Spencer Smith into the bargain as commercially this is not a particularly popular period! However.....

Do keep up the 'Charge' momentum.

All the best
