Friday 30 July 2010

CWJ Subscription

Well, thanks to all who supported the Pilot Issue (which will continue to be available for those who want to sample the journal before subscribing).
Within the first 4 days we reached more than a hundred, and the steady pace has continued this week. So, along with the great many personal messages by email and letter which I received, as well as the positive comments posted here, this gives me every confidence that we can produce a regular quarterly journal.

Here’s how it will work:

Future issues of Classic Wargamer’s Journal will be available by annual subscription only.

Subscriptions are for one Volume of four issues, each issue being produced quarterly.
Your subscription entitles you to the current four issues, at whatever stage you subscribe during that 12 month period. So, for example, if you subscribe just as issue 3 is published, you will receive issues 1 and 2 immediately, as well as the current issue 3, and subsequently issue 4, before your subscription is then due for renewal for the next Volume.

Subscription for Volume I includes:
• Issue 1 - Autumn 2010 (October 2010)
• Issue 2 - New Year 2011 (January 2011)
• Issue 3 - Spring 2011 (April 2011)
• Issue 4 - Summer 2011 (July 2011)

and is £18 for UK subscribers, £24 for overseas subscribers; including postage.
The electronic (pdf ) version is also available online at £12 for the 4 issues.

Subscribing online - you may subscribe to both hard-copy and electronic versions using the paypal button

Subscribing by post and paying by cheque (available only to UK subscribers I’m afraid):
Please send your full name and address details (include postcode), plus a contact phone number or email address with your cheque for £18 payable to “Phil Olley” to:
Phil Olley, Classic Wargamer’s Journal, Phoenix House, 12 Houston Avenue, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 6FL

It’s great to have you onboard. With your support, I know we can make this something really special, something to “put the joy back into my hobby of wargaming”, as one of the first subscribers wrote in a letter last week.
Thank you to those who do support the journal, and click on the button...

Button Removed 30 July 2011. No longer taking Volume I subscriptions


John Clements said...

Brilliant. Really inspiring. Subscription on its way.


John Moher said...

Yep! Signed up here as well! (PayPal still doing it's little tricks Phil FWIW). :-)

Phil said...

Thanks guys, and all who have subscribed.
Thanks for the note ref Paypal John. Yes, it seems to be giving the error message, but it is working ok, so I'm letting "sleeping dogs lie"... on the grounds that I'm fairly awe-struck about all technological things anyway, and wouldn't dare tamper!

Gallia said...

When I subscribed via PayPay, it said error. Next thing I was at Phil's professional website. I figured gremlins. Moments later I went to PayPay to see if PayPal had sent money to you Phil. It said it did. Just gremlins.

Frankfurter said...

Will the hardcopy be available in the States?
If so, shouldn't it cost extra for the mailing??
I would prefer the hardcopy ...

Phil said...

You should be seeing 3 options for subscription:
Hard copy UK at £18
Hard copy overseas (which includes the States) at £24
pdf at £12

Is that correct... or is it not showing?

Graham C said...

Well, subscribed. I'm anticipating that the journal will give me that much needed impetus to get motivated with the imagination I plod on with.
All the best and good luck
Graham C

Colwald said...


I have a little problem. I have ordered the pilot issue in pdf on 31 July and receveided nothing.

Best wishes,
Christophe Bedeaux.

Phil said...

Hi Christophe
It was sent by email at 19.12 on 30 July (your order seems to have arrived before 31st!)
Have resent. Please make sure your spam filter has allowed it in.
Let me know when it arrives.

Colwald said...

PDF is arrived. Very great stuff !

I will definitely subscribe.

Many thanks and best wishes,
Christophe Bedeaux.

world2dave said...

Thanks for the hardcopy - arrived by post today. You know what - it's great to hold and read something that actually feels 'old school'. I like the production format. Well done with this publication, I'll definitely be subscribing and will be thinking about trying to offer an article in return.

Big Andy said...

Phil Good to see you at Claymore Yesteday. My ioffer to lend youthose ols copird of Table Top Talk the Minimag and Bayonet still holds good.
I will be working on getting those 40mm Toy soldiers into production in the coming weeks and yes seein the pilot issue in the flesh got me to subscribe.

Phil said...

Thanks guys.
Andy: good to get a chat at the show. Delighted with the way the game was received too. And I'll take up that offer on the old mags... will arrange to pick up at a show sometime.

Ed Mueller said...

I just subscribed via paypal from the U.S. All went smoothly.

I'm now looking forward to receiving an old fashioned hardcopy in the mail.


Ed M